Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Pets.. ?

Well... Hello :) I'd start writing about my pets, about how much I enjoy to spend time with them and all that stuff, but there's this little issue: I don't have any :S 

I know it's a weird situation for a vet student (and an animal lover, by consequence), but anyway.. that's life ;)

So, given this strange fact, i'll better talk about some pets that I had some years ago:

First, when I was 9 or 10, my uncle gave me a turtle. Her name was Manuela. She enjoyed making holes in the backyard and eating vegetables under the sparkling sun. She was as slow as I am, so that's one reason why I loved her so much. The problem was that she used to hide behind the doors of the storeroom at the end of the house.. so one day I couldn't find her. After a long day of searching, my mother finally saw her at that place, standing still.. forever.

After Manuela, at my 12's, a hamster joined the family :) It was a little, golden piece of fur named Bunny (we got that from the famous rabbit from looney tunes ;)). He could be running at his ball for hours, then just stop to eat some carrot and quickly get back to the exercise. At te beginning, my mother felt kinda awkward hanging around the house with a "mouse" inside, but in time she learned to apreciate him. As a matter of fact, she's the one who suffered the most when Bunny passed away 3 years later, and one of the main reasons of my current situation about pets.

So there! xD strange things can happen in this even stranger world, so don't be surprised.

see u in class, fellas!


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